Prof. Dr. Mehmet Özsöz

Prof Dr. Mehmet Özsöz received the BS degree from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Middle East Technical University,Ankara, Turkey, PhD in Analytical Chemistry from Faculty of Pharmacy, Ege University. He has been as a post doc for two years in the area of Electrochemical Biosensor in USA. He as been as visiting scientist in Lancaster University of Chemistry Department .

He has authored or co-authored over 150 scientific publications with h factor of 46 and hehas given over 50 invited lectures and conference contributions world-wide.Some of his publications have appeared in very reputable scientific journals such as ACSLangmiur, ACS Analytical Chemistry ,RSCAnalyst, Chemical Communications and Biosensors & Bioelectronics.

Recipient of “Science Award” (Chemistry) of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) on thearea of Electrochemical Biosensors.

His name appeared in the 45th rank among the “100 Turks Guiding Science” book published by Sanko Holding in May 2017.